Tuesday 29 May 2012

A Happy Harvest

This is our first time growing radishes. I wasn't sure if they were ready but Leah wanted to pull one up to see and as I've sown quite a few successively I didn't think we'd miss one. So, when out came a small but perfectly formed radish, I was chuffed as can be. Had to record it for posterity of course. Leah pulled two, got Chris to pull one and I of course had to have a go.
 Now, I'm not the most well travelled person in the world but I'm pretty sure there a few things more satisfying than pulling up some perfect little package of edible loveliness knowing that you had a hand in its very existance.
10 minutes or so later, Leah had chopped them up and we worked together on putting them in a salad with our homegrown mixed salad leaves.

Gardening is good for the soul. x

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the radishes tasted as good as they look.
    I do so agree with your last sentence! Flighty xx
